
Rucco Maag Shrine: How to Solve the Five Flames Puzzle in Zelda: Breath of the Wild

One of the numerous shrines in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is Rucco Maag Shrine. The game’s expansive open world, deep mythology, and captivating gameplay have enthralled millions of players. The shrine can be found in the Lanayru area, east of East Reservoir Lake and south of Zora’s Domain. To access the shrine, you must finish a shrine quest because it is concealed. The goal of the shrine quest, “The Spring of Wisdom,” is to release the dragon Naydra from the corruption of Malice. The shrine itself has a puzzle where you have to dodge a water jet that can put out five torches while igniting them with fire arrows. We’ll walk you through each stage of the shrine quest and shrine puzzle in this blog post so you can get your reward—a Spirit Orb.

How to Begin the Shrine Mission

You must ascend Mount Lanayru to discover a spring holding a statue of the goddess Hylia, which is where the shrine quest begins. One of the three ancient dragons that still soar in the sky of Hyrule is Naydra, a massive dragon coated in purple ooze that you will also see there. You must use arrows to blast the luminous eyes that are affixed to Naydra’s body to release her from the Malice. Although you may use any kind of arrow, bomb or fire arrows work better. Additionally, you must take care not to hit Naydra’s body as doing so would enrage it and cause it to take off. Naydra’s wings produce updrafts that you may employ to glide closer to it and take a better picture of it. To rid Naydra of the Malice, you must shoot all of its eyes, including the one on top of its skull. After you accomplish that, Naydra will take off and drop a scale for you to pick up. To activate the shrine, you must also set the scale in front of the statue in the spring. You can enter the shrine to start the riddle once it rises from the earth.

How the shrine puzzle can be solved

You’ll need fire arrows, or ordinary arrows, plus a fire source, such as a torch or campfire, to accomplish the shrine challenge. The problem consists of two pillars with candles on them and a huge cube with three switches on each side. In addition, the cube features a water spout that revolves around it to spray water on the candles and torches on some of its sides. The objective is to simultaneously ignite all five torches without allowing the water spout to put them out of order. The cube is controlled by switches that you may shoot arrows at to spin it in different ways. To extend the time you have to burn the torches, you may also utilize the Sheikah Slate’s stasis ability to temporarily freeze the water spout. The challenge can be solved in a variety of ways, but here’s one approach that could work:

 1. To spin the cube clockwise, shoot an arrow into the switch located at the bottom of the cube.
 2. To rotate the cube upwards, shoot an arrow at the switch located on its front.
3. To the cube anticlockwise, shoot an arrow at the switch located on its left.
 4. The cube will rotate anticlockwise if you shoot an arrow at the switch located on its left once more.
 5. To get the cube to spin upward once more, shoot an arrow at the switch located in front of it.
 6. To make the cube rotate clockwise once more, shoot an arrow at the switch located on the cube’s right side.

  • You may use fire arrows to ignite the torches on the cube now that they are all out of the path of the water spout. In addition, you may use fire arrows to light the torches on the pillars or ordinary arrows to shoot through the flames of the cube’s torches. The gate leading to the monk will open when all five lamps are lit, allowing you to retrieve your prize.

How to Begin the Shrine Mission

You must ascend Mount Lanayru to discover a spring holding a statue of the goddess Hylia, which is where the shrine quest begins. One of the three ancient dragons that still soar in the sky of Hyrule is Naydra, a massive dragon coated in purple ooze that you will also see there. You must use arrows to blast the luminous eyes that are affixed to Naydra’s body to release her from the Malice. Although you may use any kind of arrow, bomb or fire arrows work better. Additionally, you must take care not to hit Naydra’s body, as doing so would enrage it and cause it to take off. Naydra’s wings produce updrafts that you may employ to glide closer to it and take a better picture of it. To rid Naydra of the Malice, you must shoot all of its eyes, including the one on top of its skull. After you accomplish that, Naydra will take off and drop a scale for you to pick up. To activate the shrine, you must also set the scale in front of the statue in the spring. You can enter the shrine to start the riddle once it rises from the earth.

zelda breath of the wild rucco maag

How the shrine puzzle can be solved

  • You’ll need fire arrows, or ordinary arrows, plus a fire source, such as a torch or campfire, to accomplish the shrine challenge. The problem consists of two pillars with candles on them and a huge cube with three switches on each side. In addition, the cube features a water spout that revolves around it to spray water on the candles and torches on some of its sides. The objective is to simultaneously ignite all five torches without allowing the water spout to put them out of order. Switches that you can shoot arrows at to spin the cube in various directions are what control it. To extend the time you have to burn the torches, you may also utilize the Sheikah Slate’s stasis ability to temporarily freeze the water spout. The challenge can be solved in a variety of ways, but here’s one approach that could work:
  • To spin the cube clockwise, shoot an arrow into the switch located at the bottom of the cube.
    To rotate the cube upwards, shoot an arrow at the switch located on its front.
    To spin the cube anticlockwise, shoot an arrow at the switch located on its left.
    The cube will rotate anticlockwise if you shoot an arrow at the switch located on its left once more.
    To get the cube to spin upward once more, shoot an arrow at the switch located in front of it.
    To make the cube rotate clockwise once more, shoot an arrow at the switch located on the cube’s right side.
  • You may use fire arrows to ignite the torches on the cube now that they are all out of the path of the water spout. In addition, you may use fire arrows to light the torches on the pillars or ordinary arrows to shoot through the flames of the cube’s torches. The gate leading to the monk will open when all five lamps are lit, allowing you to retrieve your prize.


lusionThe exciting and difficult Rucco Maag Shrine puts your timing, puzzle-solving, and archery abilities to the test. You will also receive a Spirit Orb as a prize from the shrine, which you may use to improve your skills and withstand Hyrule’s perils. A shrine quest that includes liberating Naydra, one of the magnificent dragons that are a part of the game’s mythology and mystery, and includes the shrine. You can have one of the many pleasant and unforgettable experiences Zelda: Breath of the Wild has to offer by finishing the shrine quest and shrine puzzle.

 FAQs About the Rucco Maag Shrine:

  1. Do I need specific equipment to complete the shrine? Not necessarily! While tools like fire arrows can simplify the puzzle, it’s solvable with basic gear and ingenuity.
  2. What happens if I accidentally extinguish a lit torch? Don’t fret! Simply relight it using any of the methods mentioned above.
  3. Is there a time limit for completing the shrine? No, you can take your time exploring and experimenting with different solutions.
  4. Does the Rucco Maag Shrine offer any unique rewards beyond the Spirit Orb? The hidden chest can contain valuable items, and finding the Korok Seed adds to your collection.
  5. What other quirky shrines await me in Breath of the Wild? Many! Keep exploring Hyrule to discover more delightful and challenging puzzles hidden throughout the world.

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