
Why Choose Choice Home Warranty: George Foreman Promoted Service

If you are into watching boxing matches, you might have heard about George Foreman, who actually won heavyweight world championships twice in his career.

And he even made a huge comeback in the 90s, which is actually what he is mostly celebrated for.

Did you know?

Although he has now retired, he is a wealthy businessman, author, and actor these days. And even appeared in an ad for the Choice Home Warranty service.

The Choice Home Warranty George Foreman advertisement goes to show how great a service it is because the now wise businessman George Foreman would not have promoted it otherwise.

So let me tell you all of the benefits of Choice Home Warranty and why you should use their services.

Benefits of Choice Home Warranty: George Foreman Promoted Service

There are a lot of great benefits you can get from Choice Home Warranty. George Foreman promoted their services for good reason.

I’ll explain it all now!

As a Homeowner

If you are a homeowner, you will actually benefit a lot from taking advantage of the Choice Home Warranty services.

You can actually find peace of mind if you take their service for a lot of reasons. If you somehow face unexpected repairs, you can actually work with a limited budget for such repair costs.

This service makes it more convenient for you because you don’t have to worry about finding qualified people for repairs.

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Saves you time too!

They serve you 24/7, and you can make as many service calls as you need to. And you can even pick out one of the best warranty plans to suit your needs.

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Read more about Choosing Choice Home Warranty

As a Seller

Now you might own a home that you want to list on the market to sell. If that’s the case for you, you can’t just try to sell it without fixing everything first.

I mean, you will only get the right price for your house if you actually make sure it is at its best when selling.

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Am I right?

But that house might have home appliances and systems that could fail and need repairs. So it would mean you need to get them repaired.

And to get your buyer to truly value your house and for your house to maintain proper market value, you should call Choice Home Warranty.

As a Listing Agent

Are you in the real estate business? Do you work as a listing agent? If that is the case, you would want to get a good commission, right?

So you would need to make sure that the house you are listing on the market is in a condition where it retains its proper market value.

Isn’t that right?

And as you are supposed to represent the owner of the house you’re trying to sell, you should invest in a good home warranty service like Choice Home Warranty.

After all, you need to do a good job to get on top of the food chain.

As a Buyer’s Agent

Now you might even work as a buyer’s agent in the real estate business. And it is your responsibility to make sure that the buyer gets the best deal possible.

And with this kind of job, you also have to answer various questions to the buyer and guide them to make good choices.

Helping them invest in a good home warranty service like Choice Home Warranty is something to think about.


One of the best home warranty services with extremely useful benefits is Choice Home Warranty. George Foreman, the former boxer turned wise businessman, supports and promotes this service.

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